Main Causes of Epilepsy in Childhood: Epilepsy is a neurological condition that can profoundly impact a child’s life. Understanding the main causes ...
What are Thunderclap Headaches? Understanding Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
Headaches are a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide, but not all headaches are created equal. Among the various types of headache...
Brain Hemorrhage: Warning Signs and the Importance of Early Treatment
Brain Hemorrhage Warning Signs: Brain hemorrhage, also known as intracranial hemorrhage, is a serious medical condition that requires immediate attent...
What are the do’s and don’ts of epilepsy?
Do’s and don’ts of epilepsy: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, affecting people of all ages worldwi...
Nummular Headaches – Symptoms and Causes
Nummular Headaches: Have you ever experienced a headache that feels like a coin pressing against your skull? If so, you might have encountered a nummu...
Migraine: माइग्रेन क्या है?
Migraine in Hindi: माइग्रेन (Migraine) एक प्रकार का तेज सिरदर्द होता है, जो ...
Difference Between Primary and Secondary Headaches
Difference Between Primary and Secondary Headaches: Headaches are a universal discomfort experienced by individuals of all ages, impacting daily life ...
Discover The Top 5 Migraine-Relieving Foods
Top 5 Migraine-Relieving Foods: Migraines are more than just headaches; they are a neurological condition characterized by intense throbbing pain, oft...
Multiple Sclerosis: Recognizing Its Symptoms
Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex and often unpredictable autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. ...
Sinus Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide By Dr. Vikram Bohra
Sinus symptoms are a common yet often misunderstood aspect of our health. These symptoms can range from mildly annoying to significantly disruptive, i...