7 Ways to Prevent Brain Stroke: Medical conditions are life-threatening. People who are dealing with some medical conditions that are suppressing thei...
Who is Experienced Neurologist in Jaipur?
Who is Experienced Neurologist in Jaipur: Neurology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous syst...
What should be eaten in Migraine, Which will give quick Relief?
At present, migraine is a problem of every third person. Many times our lifestyle and diet can be responsible for the headache in migraine. To treat m...
5 Causes of Ischemic Stroke.
5 Causes of Ischemic Stroke: An ischemic stroke happens when blood flows (supplies oxygen-rich blood) through the artery to the brain becomes blocked....
Do you know the difference between Headache and Migraine?
Difference between Headache and Migraine : We usually consider headaches a common problem. You must have also heard about another disease related to h...
बच्चों को मिर्गी का दौरा पड़े, तो क्या करें?
Bacho ko mirgi ka daura pde to kya kre: जन्म के बाद बच्चे की सही से देखभाल करना कि...
What happens after Brain Haemorrhage?
What happens after Brain Haemorrhage: Brain Haemorrhage or sometimes professional medical officers, like Neurologist In India, call it Haemorrhagic St...
How to prevent Epilepsy?
How to prevent Epilepsy: Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological disorder affecting a person’s lifestyle. There are different types of Epil...
5 Things to do in case of sudden Brain Stroke.
5 things in case of sudden Brain Stroke: Brain stroke is a problem that usually occurs due to the blockage of blood flow to the brain, in this conditi...
What are the 10 main causes of Headaches?
Medical conditions are very common these days. Some conditions are serious, whereas others can be controlled by treatment. Well, it is important to un...