Category Archives: Health Tips

Home Archive by category "Health Tips" (Page 5)
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What are the symptoms of epilepsy in babies?

Symptoms of Epilepsy in Babies : Epilepsy is a common seizure disorder in infants. It can occur during development or after a seizure has occurred. It...

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Why do I get headaches frequently?

Why do I get headaches frequently: Headache, also known as migraine in some cases, is a common headache that affects people of all ages. The most comm...

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What initially happens during a migraine?

What initially happens during a migraine: Migraine headaches are severe, throbbing headaches that can last for hours or even days. They are often acco...

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What are the symptoms of AVM?

Symptoms of AVM: An arteriovenous malformation, also known as an AVM, is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins. This can ca...

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What are the main causes of Neuropathy?

Causes of Neuropathy: Neuropathy, or nerve damage, is a condition that takes place as a result of damage to the nerves that are located outside of the...