Cluster Headache in Adults: Cluster headaches are one of the most debilitating and painful types of headaches a person can experience. They typically ...
What are the causes of tension headache?
Causes of tension headache: A tension headache is the most common type of headache. It’s characterized by a dull, aching pain that’s often describ...
What is the most common type of brain tumor?
Most common type of brain tumor: Brain tumors are one of the most common types of cancer. They can occur in any part of the body, but most commonly on...
What are the symptoms of epilepsy in babies?
Symptoms of Epilepsy in Babies : Epilepsy is a common seizure disorder in infants. It can occur during development or after a seizure has occurred. It...
What is the recovery time for a brain hemorrhage?
Brain hemorrhage is a condition in which a sudden, uncontrolled flow of blood from the brain. This can happen during an accident, surgery, or when the...
Why do I get headaches frequently?
Why do I get headaches frequently: Headache, also known as migraine in some cases, is a common headache that affects people of all ages. The most comm...
12 Foods to Help Get Rid of a Headache or Migraine Attack!
12 Foods to Help Get Rid of a Headache: Headache is a common side effect of migraine attacks. They can be mild or more severe and may last for days or...
What initially happens during a migraine?
What initially happens during a migraine: Migraine headaches are severe, throbbing headaches that can last for hours or even days. They are often acco...
Brain Stroke: ब्रेन स्ट्रोक के संकेत न करें नजरअंदाज, इस तरह लगाएं पता !
Brain Stroke Symptoms in Hindi: ब्रेन स्ट्रोक एक ऐसी समस्या है, जिससे लोगों क...
Brain Hemorrhage: ब्रेन हेमरेज कैसे होता है?
Brain Hemorrhage in Hindi: हम में से बहुत से लोग जानते हैं कि मस्तिष्क हमा...