Best 7 Ways to Prevent Brain Stroke.

7 Ways to Prevent Brain Stroke

7 Ways to Prevent Brain Stroke: Medical conditions are life-threatening. People who are dealing with some medical conditions that are suppressing their quality of life can understand this easily. Well, here we are discussing the brain stroke condition. As per the research, in the present generation, more people are prone to brain strokes.

There are so many reasons why it happens. But one needs to understand that there are 7 ways to prevent brain stroke. If you are taking all the preventive measures initially, you will be able to deal with it.

Along with taking the measures initially, it is important to approach the best doctor for it. Before we discuss the ways to prevent brain stroke, I would like to let you know about Dr. Vikram Bohra. You can approach him as he is one of the best neurologists in Jaipur.

It doesn’t matter to which part of the country you belong, you can come to Jaipur and fix an appointment with him. Let’s discuss the preventive measures that you can take in order to prevent the condition you are dealing with.

Brain Stroke Symptoms

7 Ways to Prevent Brain Stroke:

In this section, we are discussing the seven ways to prevent brain stroke, and this includes:

1. Healthy Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure is one of the major factors that put a person at risk of brain stroke. It is important that people maintain their ambient blood pressure. Monitoring blood pressure can help. If you are someone who deals with high blood pressure issues, understand that you need to take the right measures immediately. It is important to maintain a temperature of 120/80, which is ideal. The best way to maintain or lower your blood pressure is to reduce salt in your diet.

Furthermore, make sure to approach the doctor if you are dealing with high blood pressure problems frequently. Also, people who smoke on a regular basis are more prone to it. Thus, it is advisable to quit smoking right away to prevent brain stroke condition.

2. Maintaining a Healthy Weight:

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body, and a healthy body is one that has a healthy weight. If you are a victim of obesity, there are more chances for you to suffer from a stroke. Obesity is directly linked with high blood pressure and diabetes. Therefore, make sure to have an ideal body mass index and adapt to all the ways that will help you figure it out. You can simply follow a personal weight loss strategy in order to deal with the obesity problem.

3. Exercise Regularly:

People who exercise regularly are among those people who are healthy for life. You can simply integrate an exercise routine that starts at 15 to 45 minutes. Initially, you can set up a routine for 15 minutes and then increase the timing. It is helpful in losing weight and lowering blood pressure. If you are not someone who cannot do the exercise, you can simply consider a 15 to 25-minute walking session twice a day.

5 Things to do in case of sudden Brain Stroke.

4. Treat Diabetes:

People who are dealing with diabetes experience damage to their blood vessels over time. This is responsible for causing clots to form inside. It is important that you keep track of your blood sugar level. Also, if you are someone who is diabetic, make sure to rely on the medication as suggested by the doctor. Additionally, if you are noting the fluctuation in your blood sugar level, do let the doctor know about it so that they can figure out the major cause and let you know about the medication helpful in treating it.

5. Quit Smoking Right Away:

People who smoke on a regular basis are at a higher risk of developing a brain stroke. It is important that you are not putting yourself in a situation where you are smoking unnecessarily. It is responsible for thickening the blood and increasing the amount of plaque buildup in the arteries. If you are focusing on a healthy diet and regular exercise along with quitting smoking, you will not suffer from a brain stroke at all.

6. Quit Alcohol:

Alcohol has a major impact on your health. Alcohol consumption is responsible for high blood pressure and triglycerides. It is important that you are not consuming alcohol, and if you are not able to do it, you are limiting it. You can also consider taking advice as an alternative because it contains resveratrol, which is known to protect the heart and brain.

7. Preventive Measures for a Healthy Heart:

A healthy heart is also very important in order to prevent stroke. If you are dealing with a heart disorder like coronary artery disease, make sure you are approaching the doctor and getting treatment on time. Putting yourself at risk when you are dealing with heart problems is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Make sure you are letting the doctor know about everything so that he can suggest preventive measures accordingly.

It is important for people to understand that they are not doing such things, which can put them at risk of suffering from high blood pressure or high diabetes issues. According to research, high blood pressure is responsible for causing so many problems. Also, if you are someone who has no clue whether you are doing fine physically or not, go for testing now and get your reports.

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FAQ – 7 Ways to Prevent Brain Stroke

Q. 1 Which foods can help in preventing brain strokes?

Ans: Foods that are high in potassium, including bananas, tomatoes, melon, and soybeans, are helpful in maintaining healthy blood pressure, which ultimately reduces the risk of stroke.

Q. 2 Can drinking water help prevent strokes?

Ans: Drinking water is responsible for preventing dehydration and plays a major role in keeping the blood vessels clear. When the blood is less viscous, it will not lead to a stroke.

Q. 3 Are there any warning signs before a stroke?

Ans: Some common signs indicating that you might be a victim of a stroke include weakness or numbness of the face, usually on one side of the body. You also experience trouble speaking or understanding.

Q. 4 How do you feel the days before a stroke?

Ans: Before having an encounter with stroke, people experience different symptoms, including headaches and numbness. For a few days, they are unable to analyze the situation or determine why it is occurring, and they eventually suffer from a stroke.

Q. 5 Can stroke be cured?

Ans: Yes. If a person is taking the right medication and approaches the right doctor, there are chances that stroke can be cured. After analyzing the stage, the doctor will help you to know whether it is in a curable condition or not.