Headache problems are very common these days. No doubt, we are all engaged in such activities where we encounter such problems and face a lot of difficulties. But sometimes, the headache is not a common headache, and it has turned into a migraine, especially the chronic one. If a person is experiencing a migraine, a lot of things get affected. For better understanding, here we are discussing certain 9 myths and facts about Migraines so that you can reach out to the doctor according to your condition and can keep yourself at peace as well.
But along with it, some people have developed some myths about it, which makes them feel worse. If you are also a victim of migraine and feel that things are not working in your favour, you must clear all your doubts.
Keep reading because this book will bring out clarity between all the myths and facts!
What is Migraine?
A migraine is a kind of headache that is responsible for causing intense pain and a pulsating sensation. Some people experience migraines on one side of their heads, and some people experience them on both sides. It is also accompanied by extreme sensitivity to light, nausea, sensitivity to sound, and vomiting.
Sometimes it happens that even after so many days, people are not able to adjust to the surroundings properly, and at that time, they need to reach out to the doctor for treatment. It is not advisable to ignore the condition and take medication without a prescription.
9 Myths and Facts About Migraines:
Certain myths and facts that you must need to know about migraine are as follows:-
1. Myth: Migraines are the same as headaches.
Fact: Migraines are not the same as headaches; instead, they are genetic neurological disorders with severe headaches and other problems like vomiting and nausea. A person suffering from a migraine faces a lot of difficulties and adjusting to their regular surroundings seems to be very difficult for them.
2. Myth: Migraine is a psychological disorder majorly caused by stress or depression.
Fact: Migraine is a neurological condition rather than a psychological one. It is not caused by stress or depression, but stress is a migraine trigger for it. If a person is in a stressful situation for a while, there are chances they will have a migraine attack and suffer from intense pain.
In that case, it is important to keep yourself hydrated and not let the stress affect you. If you are not feeling happy, do take a break for a while and manage things out.
3. Myth: The symptoms of migraine are not life-threatening.
Fact: It is true that symptoms of migraine are not life-threatening, but they can be very dangerous because they are responsible for some fatal conditions, including strokes or aneurysms. If a person does not take preventive measures, he or she is more likely to suffer from a stroke or an aneurysm. It is advised that if you notice any symptoms, you approach the doctor promptly for treatment.
4. Myth: Over-the-counter medications help in relieving migraines.
Fact: Over-the-counter medications are helpful in the initial stages only when the headache has not turned into a migraine. But if you are suffering from chronic migraines, over-the-counter medications will not help you. It is important to approach the neurologist to get the treatment. If a person approaches the doctor after reaching the later stages of migraine, there are more chances for them to suffer from it for a longer duration.
5. Myth: There is no medication that can prevent migraine attacks.
Fact: It is a truth that there is no permanent cure for migraine. However, the medications can help to prevent migraine attacks as well as stop them from worsening. If a person is not paying attention to the medication they need to take to prevent it, there are more chances that they will not be able to adjust to it. Also, with time, the condition will get worse.
6. Myth: An imaging exam is the only diagnosing technique for migraine.
Fact: Do understand that there is no specific test to diagnose migraine and that the imaging techniques are only there to confirm the condition. If you believe that an imaging exam is the only diagnostic method for migraine, you are mistaken. Also, a doctor identifies patterns of recurring headaches for 3 months to know whether they are associated with migraines or if there is any other condition you are dealing with.
7. Myth: Pregnant women with migraines cannot take any medication to relieve the condition.
Fact: Certain medications are there, like triptans, which are relatively safe for pregnant women to take if they are suffering from migraines. But it is also important to know that you can take it after the first trimester only.
Also, if there are some complications in your pregnancy, do have a conversation with the gynecologist before considering such medications. Not all medications are safe during pregnancy, so it is important to communicate with the doctor and understand whether you can take the same thing or not.
8. Myth: Triggers for migraines can be easily identified.
Fact: Initially, a person is not in the state to identify the triggers of migraine. There are some specific triggers, such as stress or hormonal changes, that cause migraines, but you cannot get them at first. Until and unless you approach the neurologist to identify the condition, you will not understand why you are going through the same problem.
9. Myth: Migraines do not affect teenagers or children.
Fact: Migraine is a common health condition these days, and no doubt, even teenagers and children are prone to it. There are chances that symptoms will be different, but saying that they will not suffer with it is false. As a result, if you notice any sudden changes in your child and they complain of constant headaches, take note of them and consult a Neurologist.
The following are the myths and facts that one must know about migraine. If you know someone who is suffering from a migraine, do fix an appointment with a doctor and start the treatment immediately. For Jaipur residents, there is good news: they can visit the best neurologist in Jaipur, Dr. Vikram Bohra.
He has been in this field for a very long time and has experience in treating people with such conditions. It doesn’t matter whether the headache is common or if it is because of a migraine, you just need to approach him and start the treatment as he is describing it to you.
Within no time, you will be able to see the results and things will start working in your favour.
Also read This:
- How a Migraine Happens?
- How To Get Rid Of A Migraine: A Step By Step Guide.
- What should you do in case of a migraine attack?
Most Asked Questions
Q. 1 Can emotional stress trigger migraines?
Ans: Emotional stress is known to trigger migraines. It is important for a person to be in a happy state to deal with it. If you suffer from migraines frequently, try to be in happy surroundings and keep yourself away from stressful situations.
Q. 2 Is hormonal change responsible for migraines in women?
Ans: Some studies have shown hormonal change is responsible for causing migraines in women. When the levels of hormones are fluctuating, a female gets more vulnerable and the chances of facing a migraine at that point in time are high.
Q. 3 Can diet change help in reducing migraine symptoms?
Ans: If a person is relying on a healthy diet, there are chances that they will be able to get rid of migraine symptoms. It is not a permanent solution to treat the condition, but it can help you deal with it.
Q. 4 Who is the best neurologist in Jaipur?
Ans: Dr. Vikram Bohra is the best neurologist in Jaipur. You can approach him and discuss the condition in detail.
Q. 5 Is it normal to get migraines in adulthood?
Ans: Right now, most people are suffering from migraines, and in adults too, it is very common. But it is important to get the treatment as soon as possible. As with time, the condition may get worse and you will face difficulties in managing things.
Q. 6 Is migraine curable?
Ans: Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraines yet. But there are medications that are helpful in preventing or stopping them, so be sure to take the medication as prescribed by the doctor to treat it.