A brain tumour is an abnormal growth of the brain tissue. These tumours can be malignant or non-cancerous, meaning whether they are cancerous or not. A brain tumor is a serious and dangerous disease that affects the brain. The signs of brain tumours, such as headaches, nausea, seizures, and blurred vision, can be quite severe. These growths usually cause pain around the tumour.
However, it can originate from anywhere, including the brain’s membranes, cranial nerves, or pituitary gland. Brain tumours are typically difficult to detect, which can lead to various complications affecting different parts of the brain. If detected in time, treatment options are more likely to be effective. Here in this read, we discuss the common signs of brain tumors.
Types of Brain Tumors
In general, several types of brain tumours are there. The types of brain tumours are primary and secondary brain tumours.
- Primary brain tumours can grow in the cells in your brain, in the membranes covering them, in the nerves that connect them, or in any other parts of your body.
- Secondary brain tumours cause several types of brain cancer. They can start from one part of the body and spread to the brain. A few cancers that are often caused by secondary brain tumours are lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, skin cancer.
In terms of cancer, there are two primary types: carcinogenic and non-cancerous tumours.
Signs of Brain Tumors
The common signs of brain tumour are as follows:-
Sharp and persistent headache:
Frequent headaches can be a sign and symptom of migraine headaches. Therefore, please consult a doctor if the headache becomes unbearable or lasts for days. This can lead to a brain tumour as well.
Vomiting or nausea:
Abdominal discomfort or feeling sick could be a sign of a tumour. Severe pain and vomiting are also early symptoms of brain tumours. Brain tumours can be treated with surgery but may require radiation therapy and chemotherapy in some cases.
Changes in memory or thinking:
People can have major changes in their personality or behaviour with certain types of tumours. Challenges to memory are the most common part & this may sometimes lead to confusion. These changes are often temporary, but in some cases, these effects can last for years or even be permanent.
Vision changes:
There are a few signs that may indicate an eye tumour is present, including blurred vision, double vision, loss of vision, and spots or shapes when you look at things. It is important to go to a doctor for a full examination if you have any of these symptoms.
Loss of balance:
Loss of balance will also be experienced by a person. They will not be able to move properly. They struggle with balance and experience stiffness in all the body parts. Sometimes they start to miss steps as well. This is the most common problem with people having a brain tumour. Moreover, they face difficulty in speaking, swallowing and sometimes they are not in the state of controlling their facial expressions.
A person will experience numbness in one part of the body. This is one of the common symptoms of brain tumours. This condition usually takes place when the tumour has a place on the brain stem. This is the area where the spinal cord and brain connect with each other.
Seizures are the initial symptoms:
Seizures are one of the earliest signs of many types of tumours, including cancerous ones. However, the seizure itself is not necessarily an indication of a tumour but rather a sign of something else. Seizures can take many forms, like when they are caused by brain tumours. Convulsions can also lead to momentary unconsciousness.
Causes of Brain Tumor
Brain tumours are one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Although the cause is not yet known, there are certain environmental factors that seem to play a role.
If you are noticing out such symptoms, don’t be late to approach the specialist. Well, don’t look here and there for the treatment because Jaipur is the best destination to visit. Here you can approach Dr. Vikram Bohra. He is the best neurologist in Jaipur, having years of experience in treating such conditions.
Just discuss the problem with him and be on the treatment suggested by him. For sure, after having the treatment, things will change for the better!
Most Asked Questions:
Q. Why do people get a brain tumour?
Ans: Brain tumours typically occur in the nervous system. There are various conditions and circumstances that may cause a tumour to form in the brain.
A brain tumour is a mass of tissue in the brain that happens by abnormal cell growth. It grows because cells proliferate at an increased rate and stop functioning normally. Brain tumours can affect mental function, vision, language, movement, and coordination.
Q. How is a brain tumour diagnosed?
Ans: Brain tumours can be difficult to diagnose, and it is greatly important for the brain tumour patient to consult with a neurosurgeon specializing in this field.
A brain tumour is a type of tumour that starts in the brain, usually in the cerebrum or cerebellum. It is diagnosed by finding out whether any abnormal tissue can be seen through imaging tests like CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, etc.
Q. What is the treatment for a brain tumour?
Ans: Brain cancer is the most common malignant tumour in humans. It is crucial to treat it as soon as possible. If not, it can lead to permanent impairment of brain function.
The treatment for brain tumours may vary depending on the location and size of the tumour, but there are some general guidelines for their treatment. Monotherapy with local radiation therapy or surgery is usually what doctors consider because these methods are safe and well-tolerated by patients.
Medications are to help control tumour-related side effects like seizures and headaches. Patients also need to take care of their nutritional needs to ensure that they have enough energy during their treatments.