Difference between Headache and Migraine : We usually consider headaches a common problem. You must have also heard about another disease related to headache, which is called migraine. When you feel pain or pressure in the head, it can be difficult to tell whether it is a normal headache or you are suffering from a migraine.
Why would you be surprised to hear that there is a big difference between a migraine and a normal headache. If you know the difference between these two, then you can recover quickly with the right treatment. Also, you can avoid this problem in future also. Know, in detail about Headache and Migraine. Let’s start with the difference between them.
Difference between Headache and Migraine
The most common and major difference between a headache and a migraine is that a headache causes pain in the head, face, or upper part of the neck, and their frequency and intensity can vary. But, the problem of migraine is more than a headache.
Why, the problem of migraine is more than a headache. This is a very painful Headache Disorder. Migraines usually produce symptoms that are more intense and debilitating than headaches. Let us understand about both, so that knowing the right symptoms, we can get the right treatment.
What is a Headache?
In Headache and Migraine, you may not have heard or even heard the name of Migraine, then you would also think that Headache and Migraine are the same, although it is not so. Let us first know about the headache. Headache is divided into two parts – primary and secondary.
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Primary Headache
Primary headache refers to independent conditions that cause pain in the head, face, or neck. Examples of primary headaches include tension headaches. The types of primary headaches are as follows:
Tension Headache:
In this type of headache, more pressure can be felt around the head. Doctors consider this type of headache as episodic or chronic. This episodic tension type headache occurs between ten to fifteen days every month.
Whereas, chronic tension type headaches may recur. There are many reasons for the occurrence of tension headaches such as:
- Hunger
- Depression and Anxiety
- Lack of Sleep
- Sleep Apnea
- Arthritis
- Bending or Straining the Neck
- Poor Posture
Sinus Headache
This type of headache occurs when you feel sick. This may be due to swelling of the sinus passage. It also causes pain in the cheeks, nose or behind the eyes. This pain is most common when you wake up in the morning or bend forward.
Cluster Headache
This headache is very painful and can occur daily. Cluster headaches occur several times each day for several months. It is believed that this is the result of their expansion in the blood vessels of the brain due to the release of the compound serotonin and histamine from the body.
This headache can be due to overwork, light or even altitude. There are many symptoms of cluster headaches such as pain behind the eyes, red eyes, sweating, constipation, restlessness, hemicrania etc.
Secondary Headache
Secondary headaches can be caused by a medical condition such as infection, stress, or overuse of any medicine.
What is Migraine?
Migraine is also known as severe headache. But, headache is only one symptom of migraine. Its severity and frequency can be high. Changes in brain activity affect blood flow to the brain and surrounding tissues, which can lead to a number of symptoms.
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In addition to severe headache, a migraine sufferer may also experience some other symptoms, such as:
- Nausea
- Increased sensitivity to Light, Sound or Smells
- Dizziness
- Extreme Fatigue
Phases of Migraine
The episodes of migraine occur in four different phases i.e. migraine occurs in four phases. However, it is not necessary that every person faces every stage of it. But the phases of migraine are as follows:
1. Prodrome Phase: This is sometimes called the pre-headache phase. This stage is characterized by painless symptoms, which occur hours or days before the onset of a migraine. These include mood swings, food cravings and a stiff neck.
2. Aura Phase: Aura here refers to sensory disturbance that occurs before or during a migraine. This phase can affect a person’s vision, touch or speech, although not everyone who suffers from a migraine experiences auras. Examples of auras include blurred vision, blind spots, numbness in the arm, and problems with speech.
3. Headache phase: When there is usually pain during migraine, it is called headache phase. This phase may be of less than mild frequency. Pain can be aggravated by physical activity, exposure to light, sound and smell. However, some people can have a migraine without a headache.
4. Postdrome Phase: The postdrome phase is the phase when the pain subsides. People may feel tired, confused or generally ill during this phase.
Causes of Migraine:
The causes of headache are usually identifiable. Certain factors can trigger or trigger a migraine, but there is no known cause. If you suffer from migraines, you may realize that certain factors can trigger migraines. These factors may vary from person to person, such as.
Migraine in women than in men
Women suffer migraines three times more often than men. This may be due to the menstrual cycle or changes in hormones.
It is also called allergic rhinitis. Allergies cause irritation and inflammation in the body. Because, migraine is associated with inflammation of blood vessels.
Family History and Genetics
If someone in your family has a problem with migraine, then you are more likely to get this disease. According to scientists, genetic mutation is a common type of migraine.
Many things come in this factor that increase the problem of migraine such as change in weather, stress, food, smell and lack of sleep etc.
It is believed that people who suffer from a problem like stress are also more likely to have migraines, so people who smoke more can also have this problem.
What is the Connection Between Sleep and Migraines?
Did you know that sleep and migraines are also closely related? If you do not get enough sleep or you do not sleep well, then you can still be a victim of migraine. It has been proved from research that if your sleep keeps getting worse at night, then you are more likely to get migraine along with other problems.
Along with this, it is also believed that if there is no sleep at night, then the risk of migraine is higher the next morning. But, this problem can also occur on the second or third day. To avoid this problem, do not let your sleep get disturbed so that you can get full and restful sleep without any problem.
Treatment of Headache and Migraines
However, there is no specific treatment for headache and migraine. However, medicines and lifestyle changes are effective in reducing its symptoms and reducing its episodes in the future. Know in detail about its treatments.
Lifestyle changes
There is no doubt that both headache and migraine are extremely painful and restless conditions. There is no specific treatment for this and it is not advisable to take medicine every time a headache occurs. So you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. With these changes, you will also feel a change in your headache and migraine problem. These changes are as follows:
Exercise Daily
By doing aerobics or other exercise daily, you will be able to get rid of stress, which is the main cause of headache and migraine. You will also lose weight by exercising. Take out some time every day for walking, swimming, cycling etc. You can also consult your doctor regarding this.
Balanced Diet
To avoid headaches and migraines, you should eat a diet that does not trigger the causes of this problem. Therefore, eat simple and light food as much as possible. Along with this, it is also necessary to consume more and more fluids.
Enough Sleep
Just as food and exercise are necessary to overcome headache and migraine, it is necessary to get enough sleep. Proper sleep keeps you healthy and also relieves stress. Therefore, it is necessary to get at least eight hours of sleep in a day.